Monday, April 29, 2019

Playlist (Organized Autobiographically)

In the book and movie High Fidelity, the main character organizes his records autobiographically, showing how what he has listened to throughout his life has defined him as a person throughout his life. Like the rest of the story, this moment makes fun of the selfish naval-gazing of pop-culture obsession, but also the inherent fun of it. So, at the risk of exposing the selfish naval-gazing of my pop-culture obsessions (and my bad music tastes, which have been described as music made exclusively by "soft spoken white guys who need five minutes to work up their confidence enough to shout something”*), here is my autobiographical music collection: my favorite band from each season since I started college and my favorite songs by each of them.

Fall: The Format
Winter: They Might Be Giants
Spring: The Shins
Summer: The White Stripes
Fall: Weird Al Yankovich**
Winter: Ben Folds
Spring: Sufijan Stevens
Summer: Guster
Fall: Rilo Kiley
Winter: Nada Surf
Spring: Bright Eyes

* Which, incidentally, is also a fairly accurate description of me.
** Probably a bad sign that there have been two bands mostly known for their gags so far (They Might Be Giants and Weird Al). But, so long as I'm indulging myself by dedicating an entire post to my music tastes, I might as well be honest about it.
*** Fun fact: Nick Hornby, the author of High Fidelity, actually wrote the lyrics to this one.

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