Monday, August 27, 2018

Sporadic Reviews

A friend of mine who's been doing an email blog over the summer has a recurring segment where he offers reviews of various parts of his life. Since I'm running sort of low on publishable archival material for this Monday segment, I figured I'd just steal his idea:

The Execution of All Things (album by Rilo Kiley): By far the best thing I’ve discovered from listening to the radio in the men’s Cross Country locker room. 4/5 stars.

The Radio in the Men’s Cross Country Locker Room (radio): Excepting The Execution of All Things and a few classics, the selection is usually not the best. Then again, it’s sometimes a source of entertaining trivia (who knew Smashmouth was on the soundtrack for The Digimon Movie?) and functions fine as a piece of equipment. 2/5 stars.

Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Global History, 15th Edition (textbook by Fred S. Kleiner): I haven’t actually read it yet because my Art History class doesn’t start for a couple of weeks, but that thing sure is heavy and was a real pain to carry back from the bookstore. 0/5 stars.

The Bible (holy text by God): Also difficult to carry back from the bookstore due to its weight. On the other hand, it is The Word of the Lord and the one and only path to eternal salvation, so that kind of evens it out. 5/5 stars.

Pears (fruit): They probably wouldn’t be too impressive under any other circumstance, but it’s slim pickings at the Grinnell Dining Hall until the rest of the students come, so they’ve more or less been getting me through the week. 4/5 stars.

Maze Rats (tabletop RPG): It’s a pretty fun simplification of D&D with much more intuitive combat mechanics. Though a tip for incoming players: if one of your party members is a grave digger who’s way too into the job, another is some kind of pleasure-cultist, and the only distinguishing feature of the third is that he speaks like Tommy Wiseau in The Room, then you’re going to have to put up with a lot of zaniness.

Sleep (basic human function): It’s been kind of hard to come by, given that I’ve spent the past week in a tiny dorm room with no AC where the windows seem to be hermetically sealed to save students from single-story falls. And when it does come, the dreams are really weird. 2/5 stars.

$30 Couch From Goodwill (furniture): Essential for any dorm room. Or it would be, except I think this is the last couch like this in existence, and I’ve got it! Though it has been dubbed a “grandma couch” by several of my friends. 4/5 stars.

Blinking Light on the Ceiling of my Dorm With No Apparent Function (annoyance): Another reason why I’ve been having trouble sleeping. 0/5 stars.

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